

What is Meditation and how to start it?

Meditation is a simple practice to attain inner peace, purity and divinity in life. Its is a mental exercise to get the real happiness, kindness, power and purity. There are numerous benefits of meditation to mind and body. Some people focus on breathing during meditation and develop positive thinking and some prefer to do guided meditation. Different types of meditation practices help in different attainments and the common things in all types of practices is that you feel more connected with yourself and happiness in life.

What is meditation

How to start Meditation?

Meditation practise becomes a very joyful and relaxing activity when you do it daily. To start meditation, you just need to sit with yourself, or, we can say, alone, at any place where you feel comfortable. Sit in a relaxed posture and start with five positive affirmations. Repeat each line seven times, one by one. In the beginning, it may seem boring due to a lack of complete knowledge of meditation and its advantages, but as you practise it daily, you will feel a very positive and divine change in your life.

For how many days should Meditation be done?

Actually, meditation is not an activity for some days or months. It needs to be done daily if you really want any pure and positive change in your life. If you ask about the time in a day, then I can say start with ten minutes for the first day and increase your time every week, and when you start enjoying it, do it daily for one hour. It is a saying that “it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 to make it automatic”. So practise it regularly and do great things in life.


Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there.

— Deepak Chopra

Five virtues or advantages of meditation

1. Promote inner calm and purity in life

2. Decreases stress and anxiety

3. Sharpen concentration and focus

4. Boost general wellness

5. Fosters spiritual growth

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